Bearded Iris in Sunset Light!

Bearded Iris in Sunset Light!

Sunset over my little village of Novar

Sunset over my little village of Novar

Another glorious End of The Day on Horn Lake

Another glorious End of The Day on Horn Lake

Lake of Two Rivers, As the mist rises. Algonquin Park

Lake of Two Rivers, As the mist rises. Algonquin Park

Tranquility on Smoke Lake at Sunrise, Algonquin Park

Tranquility on Smoke Lake at Sunrise, Algonquin Park

Friday, January 28, 2011

Shadows of Winter

There is something so artistic in long willowy shadows on snow... may it be in color or B&W...I just Love the flow of lines and the black trunks of trees....I Love Winter and really don't mind the cold....there's always enough wool, fur and amazing synthetics to keep you comfortable!!!!
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Rick said...

I agree - there is a lot of beauty to be found in winter. (but does it have to last SO long ? ;-)

This is a wonderful shot Susan !

I've spent a lot of time here going through many posts - left a few comments here and there. Lovely photography - I look forward to seeing more.

Thanks for visiting and following.

Scott Law said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog so I could visit you. I love these long cold shadows. Great shot.

Eko said...

Lunta vettä pakkasta ja jäätä..
Siinä ne ovat tarpeet hyviin kuviin.
Mainoita kuvausta...

Anonymous said...

Very serene.

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

No, you can never take too many. It is hard to stop clicking the shutter when out in the snow. I noticed that it is hard to tell the difference from color to black and white in many of my photos. I did my black/white snow shadow entry on the 26th and had great fun. I love your giant snowy globules in one of today's photos.

Linda said...

I love this photo and title Susan!! Your composition is superb and I am feeling the cold winter chill gazing at it.....Great vision and technique as always, Linda :)

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Gorgeous photos.

bonifer said...

Love your line 'You can never take too many pictures' perfect name for a blog, thanks Susan for visiting mine and leaving such a nice comment, am really looking forward to following your journey, we do have a lot in common !! :)

Michelle said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

these shadows are amazing, looks like someone iced it with icing in some parts.