Sorry for the delay in posting new images....as they say! Life Just Gets in The Way...plus I Lost a very Dear Photographer Friend who was such an inspiration, I wish to dedicate this image to his memory! Martin Hale 1958-2011 May his Love for Life reflect in all my images that I capture of this beautiful world he Loved so Dearly!!!! This shot was taken in a very small town called
Mattawa, just East of North Bay. The two rivers of the
Mattawa and Ottawa meet here and play an important part in our history. They have an annual Voyageur Days celebration and the population just triples. It's such a cute town and has no traffic lights, just one stop sign! After experimenting with ISO settings and shutter speeds I
finally got the perfect exposure, love the ice flows along the foreground, breaking away with the spring time thaw.....
So sorry to hear about your friend Martin. Way too young.
Your photo of Mattawa is gorgeous.
Thanks Cathy!!! Appreciate your comments!!!! Yes he was way too young!!!!!
Life sure is tough.
We have been appreciating the warmth of the sun, the singing of the birds, the green thingies (heaven knows what they are/!) popping up in the garden. cheers from Perth!
Sorry to hear about your friend. A wonderful post dedication...and your capture is lovely.
Sorry to hear about your loss.... You dedicated a wonderful and perfect picture to him....
Thank You Chris, Jenn & Dawn for your kind notes....I will miss him!!!!! and I know he would have just Loved this shot!!!!!!
Thank you for the kind words on my Blog. I just looked at your and you clearly have your act together. Your pictures are spot on perfect. Well done. I really like the snow scenes. The walkway has me wanting to take that walk.
Your dedication/tributes are truly beautiful..
Blair (BC)
Thanks Blair! The two people I mentioned are so very Dear to my Heart. My daughter Leanne was always the most encouraging to pursue my art, may it be painting or work with my camera. My friend Martin was an inspiration to how fragile Life is as he battled his cancer but always there with praise and honest critques on my photography. I miss them both Dearly!!!!!!
Awesome shot - beautiful colours ! Haven't been to Mattawa in a number of years, but did get an RCMP escort in - he followed me for about 10km - you've never seen someone driving as perfectly as I did that day !
Condolences on your friend Martin's passing.
Thanks Rick...appreciate your kind words!!!!!
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